Hints of vanilla and fresh cut grass occupy the space with a few purple strands of hair afloat on the wind. Walking through the streets arm in arm with a man clad in heavy black armor, she holds a large parasol above them. Her head moves to look back, and lo do eyes of emerald stare back for a passing moment before turning back in front of her. With that she disappears with her escort into the low fog.


  • Age: 29

  • Clan: Rava

  • Height: 5 fulm 10 ilms

  • Trades: Weaver and Botanist

  • Guardian: Memphina, the Lover

  • Status: Bonded to Rutos Caelum

  • Nameday: 15th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon

  • Main Classes: Bard, White Mage, and Warrior

The adopted child of Gridania lives a quiet life now. Not so young anymore as she once was, she's gained a bit of weight with her new comforts of life. After much turmoil of wars and of loved ones passed, Kore has not lost heart or humor in this life. With a warm smile and a soft glow about her eyes the woman has always done her best to make the right choices for herself.Whispers from an old flame in her ear tell her of the house they once worked for was needing staff again, planting the seeds of perhaps revisting her old place of work. Soon the revisit became more than that and soon she was hired back.She has dual citizenship of Gridania and Kugane, and partially working out of La Noscea for her trades to make extra coin. Perhaps you've seen her around before today? The purple hair is a distinct mark that gives her away at any point.

Full carrd for even more indepth lore on Kore



out of character details

  • This writer is over the age of 21

  • RP takes place in-game only

  • This character is no longer available for ERP

  • Mare is available for RP partners

  • Available for Gpose commissions starting at 100k a photo

  • Please always voice concerns or if you're uncomfortably with the way the scene is going.

art by Lennox